When a Man Propositions You For NSA Date

What To Do When a Man Propositions You For NSA Dating

Men are coming out of the woodwork left and right telling women that they want to bag them and shag them until it cramps their style and just isn’t a cool thing to do anymore. Which is usually immediately following the act.

They don’t want commitment and they don’t want love. They only want a roll in the hay, no-strings, and surely no starry-eyed morning-after promises of devotion, nor any cheesy declarations of forever and a day. They dictate their terms so directly and succinctly and with such ease, it makes you wonder which number you were given before you finally got to the front of the line.


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Men try to get at us when we’re weak, when we’re strong, when we’re generous, and when we’re the vulnerable chicken running around with our heads cut off. They try when we’re alone, when we’re married, when we’re getting divorced and even when we stop paying attention to their ridiculous suggestions.

It matters not to draw any distinguishably clear lines through your situation because it’s always going to be a thought looming in the back of his mind- you as a conquest that needs seizing. Then we get to end up feeling like we’re stupid and helpless every time any guy takes a shot at us, good intentions or bad. So we’re stuck on what to feel, who to feel for and who to trust.

One thing is certain however, and that’s the fact that a man, who serves you up a good helping of unethical, second-rate, non-exclusive bull crap-on-a-stick has not a single fluid ounce of respect for you.

NONE AT ALL, NOR WILL HE EVER. Especially if you buy his line and cave in like a “babe in the woods” broad.

Here are two probable outcomes in your decision to accept or reject the ineffectual no-strings relationship. You get to decide which one will work in your favor by heavily weighing the costs and consequences:

  • You foolishly accept hoping to bank on something better.

We’ve discussed hopeless hope before. Women need to be reminded again foremost that men will say ANYTHING to get you to lay down with them, and if you try and dictate how the relationship will turn out on your terms, he’ll fully “agree” as long as he knows that you’re ultimately going to give up to him, your most prized possession.

You could tell him you plan to paint the thing purple and give it a deadly disease and he’d still be jumping up and down raising his hand at the first chance to have it.

What does that tell you as far as his ability to be trustworthy? If he’ll lie to you through his teeth about his intentions with you, how can you expect him to follow through with anything more than what he’s already falsely bargained for? If he lies about everything in order to sleep with you, he’s sure to keep lying about every other thing that’ll happen after the fact.

Is laying down in the rain with him in the dirt worth the result in mud? You’re the only one who stands to gain nothing from the entire situation, while he dusts himself off a new man, ready to take on the next willing hag to come his way.

You’re the one who is going to suffer the consequences of emptiness and regret because you knew deep down inside that it was never okay with you to begin with. Rationalization isn’t your best friend, it’s his and he’s managed to rationalize his way right into your pants.

Don’t fool yourself and pine for something more substantial from someone who doesn’t have anything substantial to give. You can’t squeeze blood from a turnip.

  • You forcefully decline because you know there’s nothing better.

This is the very effective “putting the cart in front of the horse” method. This should be THE method of choice from here on out.

You know the outcome and you fully read into his intentions like they were written plainly on the front of his shirt. Then he laid it all out to you and you knew he was up to no good because you’ve seen it all and been through it before.

You know what he wants and you know that if you oblige, you’re going to end up with a meager result at best. Especially when he stops all contact, starts trying to mess with your friends, and trash talks you to his buddies and everyone around town.

Okay, that may be a little on the extreme side of possible outcomes but it isn’t unheard of. Depending the guy’s level of douchyness, he’ll either treat you like dirt or treat you like crap.

He’ll either treat you like the dirt he casually dusts off the top of his sneakers, or the kind of crap on the very bottom that he has to scrape off and smear all over your next-door neighbor’s welcome mat. Either way, you’re the one getting dusted off and wiped away while he cleans up like a shiny brand new penny. It’s a gamble that just isn’t worth it when you’re getting either end of a really short stick.

When you make the decision to step outside of the situation and look at it for what it really is, sans rose-colored rationale glasses, you strengthen yourself and your ideals to stand your guard in refusing to let yourself be someone’s whorish second-class hag.

More importantly, you have to know what’s wrong for you versus what is right BEFOREHAND so that you know you won’t make a decision that you’ll never be able to live down. Put yourself on the forefront and ask yourself if it’s really IN YOUR BEST INTEREST to settle for some measly terms offered up by an unscrupulous scallywag.

He’s not giving you the world, he’s giving you a big pile of dog crap all dressed up in a soggy paper bag.

If you tell him no and don’t give it a second thought, you won’t even have to consider the heartache you’d be in for had you agreed to a paltry second-class arrangement. Problem solved by not creating the problem in the first place.

No second-class arrangement is ever good enough for a first-class woman.

Just remember, NSA works for him, but it doesn’t work for you. EVER. When you lower your standards, the lowest of the low come out of all the dark corners in the earth to suck you in and take apart your soul. They are scavengers, not saviors and you need to see them for what they are, not for what you wish them to be.

The rule of thumb is:


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